Vertical Sunbed Hire and Rental
Ideal for sunbed home hire as vertical sunbeds require minimum space. Fitted with up to 26 of the latest fast tanning tubes (UVA and UVB rays) we can now bring the tanning salon directly into your home. The domestic vertical booth tanning (VT) units are designed specifically for home use and are fantastic where space is at a premium.
Vertical sunbeds are quick to assemble and take up less than 1m² of floor space. This means any room in your home can become your own personal tanning salon. Please check our online prices or call the office on 01977 712 109 Differences between the different vertical sunbeds:
Supertan Vertical Sunbed –
A minimum of 22 fast tanning 250 tubes.
A fan on the roof and a floor to stand on.
Colour – white
Requires 2 x 13 amp plugs.
Need a space of approximately one metre square.
VX240 –
24 fast tanning 240 tubes.
Fully enclosed cubicle with a fan on the side.
Twin 10 minute safety timers.
Available colours – white, grey or black.
Requires 2 x 13 amp plugs.
VX Black Shadow Electronic
24 fast tanning tubes using the latest electronic cool tanning technology so you shouldn’t get hot whilst tanning.
Fully enclosed cubicle with a fan on the side.
Twin 10 minute safety timers.
Colour – black
Requires just one 13 amp plug.
VX Caribbean
The largest vertical sunbed available for home hire.
26 fast tanning tubes using the latest cool tanning electronic technology so you shouldn’t get hot whilst tanning.
The panels are circular to give better coverage.
Fully enclosed cubicle with a fan on the side.
Twin 10 minute safety timers.
Colour – orange.
Requires just one 13 amp plug.
Our vertical sunbeds are compact, so can be installed in any home quickly and easily. The units are delivered in panels which fit through any standard door. You need a space of approximately one metre square (three feet square) for all units except the VX Caribbean which requires approximately four feet square.